Frequently Asked Questions

Please have a look at these questions and answers before asking something in comments or sending a private message. Most likely your question duplicates any from below.

  1. Is it safe?
    Yes, it’s absolutely safe. Our sellers have been checking and send you instructions on the use of services.
  2. Do you accept escrow?
    Yes. More information you can find HERE
  3. I like your market and want to start my own business here
    It's amazing! We are always looking for new suppliers and especially those with fresh ideas. Check out this page - How to start cooperation
  4. Do you deliver to my country?
    This question should be addressed to a vendor that you want to buy from. Most vendors ship worldwide. But we recommend you to check vendors’ descriptions or ask directly if you doubt.
  5. Do you accept any other ways of payment?
    At the date of posting we accept Bitcoin. We plan to extend the number of accepted cryptocurrencies in the future. We do not accept Western Union, PayPal or credit cards and such ways of payment will not be accepted for sure.
  6. What is your market fee?
    0%. Zero. Null. We do not charge any fees from the buyers. All you pay here is the price you see in a price-list.
  7. Where can i get bitcoins?
    Learn more at our Bitcoin guide page.
  8. I want to buy ads on DeepMarket
    More information you can find HERE
  9. Do you have any alternative URLs?
    We have the only and working link

Our mission is to make a deal safe for both buyer and vendor.
   DeepMarket staff do not sell anything on this website.

The purpose of this service is providing a Multisig Escrow service as well as providinga list of vendors with their products and reviews.

However, DeepMarket is responsible for providing a smooth and safe deal between the parties.

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